December 20, 2019
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Using VidChat with Mac OSX Lion?

If Lion users are having trouble getting their cam to work in the Video Chat room, follow these instructions:
1. Close all browsers and go to System Preferences/Flash Player (under “other”)
2. Click on 2nd tab “Camera and Mic”
3. Click button “Camera and Microphone settings by site…”
4. Click the + and manually type in “” in the domain box
5. Click the permission drop-down list and select “Allow”
6. Click “Add”
7. Click “Close” and close out of preferences.
8. Restart browsers

You may need to also repeat the process and add a in case yours requires the www.

The Author

Tommy J.

Etiam feugiat elementum orci, ac bibendum lacus ultrices iaculis. Cras tempus, eros id dignissim lobortis, odio nulla rutrum lectus, vitae sollicitudin sem ligula eget felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris non leo ut tortor blandit ullamcorper. Curabitur eu urna et est pulvinar tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam mi tortor, ac suscipit velit sodales nec. Vivamus efficitur lorem lectus, nec posuere ante gravida at. Proin sit amet nulla consequat, feugiat ipsum at, euismod dui. Nullam id arcu tortor. Sed eleifend ante id lorem tincidunt bibendum.