Batelists, Abandoned Groups, and More
We have a lot of new updates to share with you today, first up is a new Abandoned Groups feature. If an owner is no longer on the site, or if they so choose, they can put it up for adoption. If you’re a member of the group you will see a message at the top of the group saying you can adopt it. There’s also a page with all groups up for adoption that you can apply for.
Second is the Batelist. On the My Profile dropdown go to My Batelists and you will be able to add your own. You can choose who can see your Batelist, and choose whether it is for videos or photos, then when you’re on the photo and video pages, instead of seeing the Add to Favorites link like you do on profiles, you will see Add to List. Then from the dropdown choose your list, this can either be your existing favorites (which have not changed and are still only shown to you) or your new Batelist.
We’re working with a new CDN, which had a bit of a learning curve, it’s the reason why things were slow for a little while there, why we had issues with the chat when we put those files up there (we learned not to do that). It’s also why we had issues with the rotating images, as we had to rewrite it using the new API and there were other things that were more pressing. Thankfully all of these issues are resolved and we’re looking at ways to increase speeds even further now that we are off the old CDN. The big question we were getting was “if it worked before, why change it out now?” That leads to the next expanded feature.
Videos are expanding. We realize that the world is changing and video resolutions are becoming larger and larger. We have not increased the length of the video, that is still limited to 5 minutes, but we did increase the size of the upload which was only possible if we got rid of our old CDN provider. From now on, you will be able to upload 400mb for videos.
We can’t wait for you to see what’s in store for the future, but if you have ideas or want a preview, you can always head on over to the Suggestion area and check it out or submit your own ideas on how to make BateWorld better.