Masturbation is one of the best (and healthiest!) activities for both your body and your mind. Guys love jacking off and report that it allows them to clear their heads and go on with their day happy and undistracted. Or just before bed to relax and let go after a long day. Some people enjoy watching other guys masturbate, and if you’re one of those bators with a whole queue of male masturbation videos, you’re in the right place!

Bateworld has been bringing together masturbation aficionados from all over the world for more than ten years. Providing a safe platform that allows users to grow and share their knowledge and experiences with supportive and link-minded folks – that’s what it’s all about! Premium members enjoy exclusive video chat, access to an extensive member video library, and loads of other essential features. New members can grab a 7 day Premium trial for free!
Masturbation Video Chat
It’s no secret that watching another guy pumping his meaty boner can be a very exciting thing. No matter what your sexual preferences or how you identify, we challenge you to watch any male masturbation video on our site and try not to get hard yourself! Visual stimulation is a crucial component of most men’s sexual function, and getting aroused by watching others get aroused is one of the hallmarks of bator-hood!
When you’re ready for some live action, check out Bateworld’s exclusive Vid Chat and hang out (literally!) with other members (!). You’ll be amazed how welcoming and open guys are, and how free you’ll feel to learn more about yourself and what turns you on.
Watching masturbation videos or video chat, it won’t be long before you’re ready to dive in all the way. As a Premium member, you can turn on the cam and enjoy the unrivaled thrill of being the center of attention while you’re vigorously jacking off in the company of guys just like you. Masturbate, video chat, you’ll never look back!

Creative sessions with lube and favorite toys and cockrings will quickly earn you some new fans and friends. If you’re feeling shy and not quite ready to show off for others, you’re also free to watch other members while they bate and goon the night away.
Join Bateworld today and join tens of thousands of guys who love jacking off and sharing their experiences with the world.