June 02, 2019
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Site Issues

As you’ve noticed, we had some issues this past week or so. No matter what adjustments we made, it didn’t improve anything.It was discovered mid-day Saturday that all of the issues we were having in the past week was due to a dying database hard drive.

Within an hour of discovering the underlying cause of the issue we made the tough decision to take BateWorld, TheBateShop, and BatorBlog offline to replaced the dying hard drive. Unfortunately because of the way a RAID system works, the data had to be synced to the other drive so for hours after the drive was replaced the site was slow and still had issues. We believe the site should be back to normal and all issues are resolved.

Please continue to post any issues or updates we need to know on the Community Forum, Site Issues.

There just aren’t words to express our appreciation for your patience and understanding while we put the resolution in place.

The Guys At BateWorld