December 23, 2021
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I don’t want to be a group leader anymore. What can I do?

If you no longer wish to lead your group, you have a couple of options.

We encourage you to put your group up for adoption and let other members know that it needs a new leader. To do this open the group you want to step down from. Under the group photo, you will see a list of administrator options. Click the Place Group for Adoption text link. Your group automatically gets added to the “adoption” list.

If the group is relatively inactive, you also have the option to delete the group. Navigate to the group page. Under the group photo, click on Edit Group. A new page will appear with editing options. Scroll down just below the text boxes on the page and click Delete this Group. A popup will appear asking you to confirm your decision. Click the Delete button. Your group will automatically be deleted.

The Author

Tommy J.

Etiam feugiat elementum orci, ac bibendum lacus ultrices iaculis. Cras tempus, eros id dignissim lobortis, odio nulla rutrum lectus, vitae sollicitudin sem ligula eget felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris non leo ut tortor blandit ullamcorper. Curabitur eu urna et est pulvinar tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam mi tortor, ac suscipit velit sodales nec. Vivamus efficitur lorem lectus, nec posuere ante gravida at. Proin sit amet nulla consequat, feugiat ipsum at, euismod dui. Nullam id arcu tortor. Sed eleifend ante id lorem tincidunt bibendum.