Having a go-to space online where you can share your experiences, knowledge, and bate tips is fantastic. But spaces like these can quickly fill up with folks who aren’t keen on being civil or supportive, and bad behavior can quickly turn a great space into a toxic swamp where users are afraid to share or speak up. If you haven’t had much luck in finding a jack off forum to share and explore your kinky endeavors, we’ve got a solution!

Bateworld has been bringing together masturbation aficionados from all over the world for more than ten years. Providing a safe platform that allows users to grow and share their knowledge and experiences with supportive and link-minded folks – that’s what it’s all about! Premium members enjoy exclusive video chat, access to an extensive member video library, and loads of other essential features. New members can grab a 7 day Premium trial for free!
The Masturbation forum that’s available to all members
The best thing about Bateworld’s male masturbation forum is that it’s available to both free and Premium users, allowing you to share and exchange experiences and fantasties without running up against a sudden paywall.
Aside from being free for all, our jack off forum is a massive archive of different experiences, images, and stories shared by thousands of Bateworld members. Explore every corner of our masturbation forums and you’re sure to find enormous amounts of new information, bate fuel, and fantasies.

Learn more about yourself
Just because Bateworld’s gay masturbation forum is focused around horniness and intense, sperm-flinging orgasms, that doesn’t mean that’s the only stuff people talk about. Many people share personal stories of how they got where they are today, their journeys toward personal acceptance, and the differences that being open about these things have made in their lives. Members report these posts have helped them to understand their own sexuality and desires better. While we have a tendency to imagine we already know all there is to know about ourselves, you might be surprised by the number of things and ideas you never knew you never knew about yourself.
Join Bateworld today, and share your own experiences and fantasies with like-minded people. Check out our bator forum, video galleries, and chat rooms – you won’t regret it!
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