April 28, 2021
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How Do I Add Videos to a Group?

Verified members can upload videos to any group they have joined that already has a video tab.

Navigate to the My Profile tab at the top of your browser window. A drop down menu will appear. Select My Groups.

Click on the Group where you want to upload your video. The group page will appear in your browser window. Click on Videos, and then Add New Videos to the right of the thumbnails.

A pop up will appear with further instructions. Fill in the Title and Description fields. Click the Upload Video button. In the next window, check the box that certifies your right to distribute the content. Click the Choose file, browse to the video you want to upload. Once selected, click the Upload button in your hard drive popup. Your video will start uploading immediately. Don’t navigate away from the page until the upload is complete.

Your video will be visible after our admin team has had a chance to review it. This usually happens quickly but may take 24-48 hours.

Group video uploads cannot exceed 70MB and may not be longer than 5 minutes.

Recommended formats: .mpeg, .mov, .qt, .wmv, .mp4, .m4v, .avi

The Author

Tommy J.

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